Company News

2023 Revaluation

This new rating list came into effect on 1st April 2023 and there were some dramatic fluctuations depending on size, type and location. There are substantial inconsistencies and in general a lack of rental evidence on which the revised figures are based.

There has also been the predicted explosion in new ‘rating specialists’, many now taking up front fees and using reference to the VOA to try and support credibility. They should be avoided at all costs – this is an incredibly complicated subject based on constantly evolving legislation and caselaw so picking the correct advisors is essential.

Check Credentials – we are regulated by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, members of the Rating Surveyors Association and abide by the code of conduct.  

Our team are dedicated, experienced rating specialists who work directly with clients to maximise opportunities and results. We don’t employ teams of shinny suited salesmen or batteries of telesales people.

Blanket Contact – The cowboys and others are prolific in sending emails and letters. Be wary of the contents. We don’t blanket mail – if we have contacted you then its because we have spotted an opportunity and can outline specifically what that is.

Data Science – the rating list contains 2.3m entries and is constantly evolving. Our unique Core system amalgamates business rates and other data to provide an unrivalled source of comparable information and occupier data.  We have access to extensive comparable evidence via the Land Registry and other sources, and track rating list changes to find new opportunities for our clients.

Survey – accurate surveys are an essential element of any rating appeal as assessments can go up as well as down. Our action always starts with a site survey and we’re happy to share the details.

Future proofing – The role of the rating surveyor is changing. New regulatory requirements mean that ongoing, hands on advice is more critical than ever to avoid unknown rateable value increases. Make sure you’re aware of the implications.

We mean what we say– Expert Advice Traditional Values Innovative Technology. Get in touch to discuss how we can help you minimize the business rates burden.

2023 Revaluation

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